Sunday, December 4, 2011

I missed one!

Yeah... I missed last week's blog post.  Honestly, had not done much noteworthy activity so I didn't think it worth a post!  None the less, here we are again.

In the most exciting news, Elecraft has granted us fans with a glimpse of the new KX3 manual!  2 whole pages worth!  You can find it HERE.  It shows pages 7 and 8 of the manual which describe the front face and display features.  I would say we're just days away from the full manual release which we will (I'm sure) read cover to cover before the end of January.  Needless to say, I'm excited!  We have been alerted to the amount of our incentive pay plan (read: bonus) and it is certainly enough to cover the rest of the funds I'd need to procure one of these gems.  Unfortunately I will have to part ways with my trusty K2/10 which has served me (and its former owner) well.  Any offers are open to consideration at this point, though the actual exchange will not be happening until receipt of the KX3 which may be as late as early February.  Hopefully prices will rebound a bit by then.

In other news, I have cleared the house of another 8 or so boxes of stuff from the move.  We're getting there and the main living areas are finally looking like a home.  The garage and storage area downstairs...not so much!  It will take time.

Almost forgot, I happened to be listening for NT7S, Jason, on his first SOTA activation on Saturday and heard a rather strong station calling CQ in the QRP section of 20m.  It was KF0N and it turns out, he lives right here in Cedar Rapids.  Go figure!  I thought I was just about the only QRP guy here!  With Larry, that makes 4 that I know of, including myself.  A fledging local QRP club forming in the near future???  Maybe!

It sure is a small world and radio is only making that come true for us hams in a very special way.

That's all for now, so check back next week when I chronicle the build of the Collins Radio Club's (W0CXX) K3 which I have volunteered to build!

73 and see you soon!

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