Sunday, April 27, 2014

100 Days - 2 and 3

Over the weekend, I completed another 2 days of our 100 Days of Summer operating, bringing us to a total of 3.

The weather on Friday was really nice.  Here's a quick video.

Saturday was also really great, but a bit windy.  I came home from getting groceries and was shocked to find that my new FT-817 had arrived.  I had been expecting it to arrive on Monday, so I was quick to get the thing on the air and went straight to the park.

I didn't know if I'd have any luck with my 8 cell AA pack with the 817 but it actually did pretty well.  I figured I might have a little more luck on voice getting people to get excited about the operation, plus I forgot to grab my portable CW key from the truck, so I didn't have much of a choice.

This is starting to get really interesting though.  I am going to be able to start experimenting with all kinds of different operations.  I'm really excited about trying satellite ops too.

Anyway, here's the last bit of the log for days 2 and 3:

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